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Theseus Guide: Search for thesis

Theses and Dissertations

With Finnish search service you are able to find graduate theses (UAS Thesis, Master's' Thesis) and dissertations.

Make a search using word(s) from your topic. Then use Content type limiters under Thesis option to narrow the search results.

Open Access Repositories of the Finnish Universities

Each university repository contains some material that is not listed in search results. Therefore it is uselful to make searches also in individual repositories.

How to use theses

When writing your own thesis, you will benefit from browsing through existing graduate theses (UAS thesis, Master's Thesis). Theses provide

  • ideas when you are desiding what will be your own research topic. Find out what kind of theses are already made about the topic? In what way the topic is discussed in these theses?
  • quick overview of the topic. What kind of material is used in the theoretical background in the existing theses? Find the original source that is listed in the thesis reference list.
  • hints to find material for the reseach. From the reference list of the thesis you will find publications that otherwise you did not even tought of. Source criticism is needed when evaluating the usefulness of the publications.
    You can use the reference lists to find tips for the search terms. Titles of the publications provide new words that you can try out when you make searches in the databases.

As a rule the theses are not used to provide a knowledge base when writing your own theses. You may consider to use a thesis as a source, if the information or practical solution presented in the thesis is so novel, that there is not infromation about it in other publications.

If you site a publication in you thesis text, make sure that the publication is also listed in your reference list.

Check the instructions for Lapland UAS reference notations (library version)