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Publishing with the University of Lapland

Publications of the faculties and other units

It is recommended that the publication series and separate monographs of faculties and other units are published in electronic form in the Lauda repository. In Lauda the publication will receive a permanent identifier. The publisher is the University of Lapland or an organizational unit, not e.g. a thematic network or a project. The websites of the university or other organizations are not recommended publication channels.

The publication serials of faculties and institutes are suitable for research reports or handbooks etc., targeted at limited audiences if the target audience can be informed of the publication by using professional magazines, web sites etc. These serials usually do not meet the criteria for scientific publishing, and their distribution and visibility are often limited. That is why scientific books shall not be published in a university or faculty series.

Dissertations are published in Acta electronica Universitatis Lapponiensis series. More information is available in the guide Publishing a dissertation.

If you have questions about publishing in Lauda, please contact the library at

IP rights and publishing agreements

The authors have all rights to their manuscripts. The authors and the publisher should always make a written agreement on publishing. In this agreement the author:

  • gives the publisher the right to produce a publication from he manuscript
  • gives the publisher the right to distribute, sell, and market the publication
  • guarantees that they have all rights to the manuscript including pictures, photos etc. that are required for publishing and not violating anyone else's rights when giving the publisher rights to produce the publication
  • agrees upon the rights of the author(s) to distribute and republish the material
  • agrees upon the rights and responsibilities of the publisher.


The author(s) will choose a copyright licence for their work. International Creative Commons licenses are used in Lauda. The licences available do not delete the responsibility of users to always cite to the original author and the original publication. The licences promote the openness of science and can be used to restrict the commercial use, editing and other changes or republishing in some extent. It is also possible to choose the option all rights reserved.

Publishing agreement for a monograph

The author or authors of the book or report enter into a publishing agreement with the library as follows:

  • The author chooses the copyright license for the electronic publication.
  • The author fills in the publishing agreement.
  • The author submits the publishing agreement together with the manuscript at (manuscript in PDF/A format).
  •  The library sends the author a link to an electronic signature. If electronic signature is not possible, please contact

Publishing agreement for an article collection

The editor has no rights to the manuscripts planned to be included in an article collection. They cannot make a publishing agreement unless all the authors give a written authorization. The publishing agreement for edited publications in Lauda must be made separately for each article between the author(s) of the article and the university as the publisher.

It is the editors responsibility to:

  • agree with all authors on the CC license of the electronic book or report and to add the licence information and the details of the book in to the agreement
  • send the pre-filled agreements to the authors so that they can add their names, contact information, and article details. The editor(s) can also fill in this information by themselves.
  • gather the agreements and send them together with the manuscript to (the manuscript in PDF/A -format)
  • make sure that every author has made a publishing agreement.

The library will send instructions for signing the publishing agreement. If electronic signature is not possible for some of the authors please inform the library at The book or report cannot be published unless a publishing agreement has been made with all the authors.

ISBN, cover, title page, the page following the title page


E-publications have just the front cover, no back cover. The front cover contains:

  • the editors or authors of the book or report
  • the title of the book or report
  • the University of Lapland as the publisher or some of the units (e.g. University of Lapland, Arctic Centre)
  • the publishing year
  • the publication series and the number of the book within the series, if the book or report is included in a series

Title page and copyright page

ISBN and ISSN numbers and the number of the issue can be applied using the form:

If the publisher is some other Finnish organization than the University of Lapland or some of its units and the publisher does not have its own ISBN and ISSN numbers, the numbers shall be applied from the National Library:

Uploading to Lauda

Electronic publications published by the university or its units are published in Lauda. Links to the publications in Lauda can then be put on all web pages where needed.

Compilations of articles are uploaded to Lauda both as single files for the whole work and as separate files for each article. This gives the authors best possibilities to link and distribute their articles on their home pages and through researchers' social media.

The library takes care of uploading the publication files into Lauda and of delivering a digital copy of electronic publications to the National Library according the Act 28.12.2007/1433.

More information and address for delivering the agreements and publication files:

Sinikka Tuohino, puh. 040 185 7834,