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Basics of Library Skills

Library rules

The University Library is open for all users, like most of libraries in Finland.

  • You may freely wander around the Library.
  • You may pick books by yourself from shelves for reading, copying and borrowing.
  • You may borrow as many books as you wish.
  • Borrowing and reserving are free of charge.
  • Self-service loan stations are available for you.

The main task of the Library is to support the academic studies and research of students and staff in Lapland University and Lapland UAS.

Lending periods vary for different collections. Some material may only be used in the library’s reading room. Loaned material must be returned, or the loan must be renewed, by the due date.

LUC-Finna - Library Catalog of Lapland University Consortium Library

Two organizations have a shared Library Catalog LUC-Finna.

  • University of Lapland
  • Lapland University of Applied Sciences

LUC-Finna contains books, e-books, thesesis, journals and other materials in Lapland University Consortium Library. LUC-Finna contains also information of books and journals of National Repository Library (Kuopio).
If you want to search for licensed electronic materials or to make request or renew your loans, please select your University and log in with your personal username, 

LUC-Finna home page, log in choosing either University of Lapland or Lapland University of Applied Sciences

Library Card

  • Students from the Lapland UAS and the University of Lapland can use Tuudo's electronic library card. No other library card is required and does not require a visit to the library. You can download Tuudo for Android and iOS mobile devices for free from the Google Play and App Store.
    • With the Tuudo library card: you can see your loans, reservations and unpaid fees. You can loan materials in campus libraries using your Tuudo library bar code. You can receive the library's newsletters and a chat service.
  • If you want a plastic library card, visit the library. The first card is free of charge and can be retrieved by showing your identity card.
  • If you aren't the student of Lapland University or Lapland UAS, please register as customers of library in LUC-Finna.
  • Borrowers are responsible for all materials borrowed on their card.

NOTE! After getting the card (both Tuudo's electronic card or plastic library card), connect your card to your account in LUC-Finna.

Connect Library card to your account

University user account (Haka login) - students and staff of  University and UAS

  1. At first log in with your ulapland or UAS credentials , HAKA login
  2. Choose Library Cards
  3. Click Connect library/parallel card
  4. Fill in your e-mail address. The address has to be the same as in your customer data of the library

Connect library card to your account in LUC-Finna

  • Choose connect. After connecting the system send you a link access as an e-mail.
  • Use the link on your e-mail in order to connect your library card

From now on the loans will be seen in your account. Notice that you operate only in the device in which you gave your e-mail address. If your e-mail address changes, the connecting must be redone.


You can renew your book loans if there are no reservations and your unpaid fees do not exceed the limit, 5 €.
You can renew loans: 

  • online via LUC-Finna during one year (guide)
  • by calling the library, tel. Rovaniemi 040 484 4302, Kemi-Tornio 040 542 5406
  • by e-mail: kirjasto (at)


You can return your loans to all locations of Lapland University Consortium Library.

Due date reminders about for loans that are over 7 days are sent by e-mail. First notice three days before due date, second one after the due date and third one week after the due date.

Return Boxes outside the library should be used only when the library is closed. The boxes are emptied in the morning.

Fees and Fines

Overdue fines

Books, reference collection 1 € / book / day (max 10€ / book)
Books, other 0,50 € / book / day (max 5 € / book)
Journals 0,50 € / journal / day (max 5 € / journal)
Laptop computers 10 € / day 
Lost or damaged material replacement value of the item

Reading and Using Computers


The library is an active learning environment and a meeting place, but also a quiet place to work. Please respect the needs of other users when meeting your friends and talking to them in library.

  • Group work areas are in the second floor
  • Computer Classroom for quiet working is in the second floor.
  • Silent reading room (216) is in the second floor (only reading, not typing)
  • It is possible to use library facilities outside opening hours with a key fob.

There are computers for students in the first and second floor. Most of the computers need logging in with ulapland/UAS credentials. 


  • There are group work facilities in both library units.
  • Silent study rooms are available in Kosmos Library.
  • It is possible to use library facilities outside opening hours with access card. Apply for access card in Tuudo. More information from Service Advisors: t. 040 7722 937