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Research Data Management for Students: Data management plan

Data management plan

Data management plan (DMP) is a document in which you describe your data and present your solutions for processing and storing the data safely. The plan is made before the data collection, but it can and should be updated as the research progresses. It is easy to discuss data management with your supervisor with the written plan.

The plan must include at least:

  • the identification and description of the data
  • legal issues such as processing personal data and rights to the data
  • documentation of the data
  • storing solutions during research
  • the fate of the data after the research.

How do I make a DMP?

The University of Lapland does not have a special DMP template for students. You can follow the instructions in this guide or use the guidelines in the researchers' data management guide. If your supervisor has a DMP template, you can use it. You can also use the templates of other Finnish universities as long as you remember to follow the guidelines and practices of the University of Lapland.

An example of a DMP structure

1. Research data

  • Identify and list all your research data by data type. For each data type, describe
    • file format
    • whether the data contains personal data or other confidential information
    • what is the source of the data i.e. whether you collect or produce the data yourself or if you use, for example, previously published or archived data
    • is there something special you need to take into account with your data?

2. Processing personal data, permissions, and access rights

  • If your data contains personal data, you must carefully follow the University of Lapland guidelines on data protection in research. Please see the section Personal data in this guide.
  • Find out what kind of permissions and rights are necessary to into consideration.

3. Documentation and metadata

  • How do you document your data?

4. Storing the data during research

  • Where and how will you store the data during your research?
  •  How do you take care of data security and backup?

5. The fate of the data after you have finished your thesis

  • Describe what will happen to your data when the research is completed.
  • Define how long you will keep the data before you destroy it or how you plan to archive it and open it for others to use.

Tarvitsetko apua?

Discuss the data management plan primarily with your supervisor. If necessary, you can get support in questions related to data management by contacting the library at research.library(at)