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Discounted APC fees

What are APCs?

The FinELib consortium, consisting of Finnish universities, research institutes and public libraries, has negotiated discounts on article processing charges (APC) and book processing charges (BPC). APSs and BPCs are fees that are payed to the publisher to get the article published in full Open Access (gold OA) or in a hybrid journal.

The University of Lapland does not recommend hybrid publishing, where the same publisher is paid both a subscription fee and a fee to open an individual article.

How can I get the discount?

Please familiarise yourself with the the publisher-specific information on discounted APCs and make sure your publication channel is included in the agreements. Use the ulapland-email when submitting a manuscript to the publisher's system so that your affiliation can be correctly identified.

Be sure to consider the requirements of your research funder when publishing. Discounts cannot usually be used afterwards.

Who is responsible for the payment?

The faculties, units and research projects are responsible for paying the APCs. In projects funded by the Research Council of Finland, the costs of open access publishing are covered from the overheads. Please make sure your APCs will be covered before submitting.

For more information, please contact

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

The corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Lapland are eligible for open access publishing in conference proceedings and journals of ACM. You need to use the ulapland email when submitting the manuscript. The agreement period is 1.7.2022–31.12.2024.

Please see the FinELib website and find out if you are eligible for the discount and whether your publication channel is included in the agreement. You can find instructions on how to use the discount on the FinELib website.

Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Note! Negotiations with Campbridge University Press for a new contract period are ongoing. In the meantime, please do not pay APC fees. Articles published in hybrid journals may be published behind a paywall and opened retrospectively as open access. For Full OA journals, the publishing process will proceed according to the publisher's instructions.

The University of Lapland has a Read & Publish agreement with Cambridge University Press (CUP). You can publish open access free of charge if you are affiliated with the University of Lapland as a corresponding author. The contract period is 1.1.202331.12.2023 (the new agreement to be finalised soon).

You can find out the terms of publication and how to use the discount on the CUP website. Choose Finland and The University of Lapland Library from the menu.


The corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Lapland are eligible for open access publishing at no additional charge in Elsevier hybrid journals. There is a limited number of free open access articles available during the agreement period 2024-2025.

Please see the FinELib website and find out if you are eligible for the discount and whether your publication channel is included in the agreement. You can find instructions on how to use the discount on the FinELib website.


The corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Lapland are eligible for publishing their articles in Emerald journals with free open access vouchers. The articles are published under CC BY license. The agreement period is 1.1.2024–31.12.2024. There is a limited amount of vouchers available for the year 2024.

You must use the ulapland email address when submitting the manuscript. Emerald will recognize your eligibility for the voucher from the institutional email domain.

Please see the FinELib website and find out if you are eligible for the discount and whether your publication channel is included in the agreement. You can find instructions on how to use the discount on the FinELib website.


The corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Lapland are able to benefit from a discount of 10 % on Frontiers’ publication fees.

The discount applies to APCs paid by the University of Lapland (faculty, unit or project). All articles will be published under the CC BY license. The agreement period is 1.4.2022–31.12.2024.

Please see the FinELib website and find out if you are eligible for the discount and whether your publication channel is included in the agreement. You can find instructions on how to use the discount on the FinELib website.


Authors affiliated with the University of Lapland will get 10 % discount on articles accepted in journals published by MDPI. The authors will get a discount on the Book Processing Charges (BPCs) as well. The agreement period is 15.5.2023–14.5.2024.

Authors are prompted in the last step of submission to determine if they are eligible for discounts under the open access program. The program is pre-selected if authors are submitting from within the network of the University of Lapland (IP range detection).

Oxford University Press (OUP)

The corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Lapland are eligible for open access publishing at no additional charge in hybrid journals of Oxford University Press and are entitled to a 15% discount on fully open access published articles. The discount does not cover non-peer-reviewed articles. Your article meets the criteria for open access publishing if your article has been received into production during 1.1.2024-31.12.2025.

The OUP only addresses the authors using ulapland email about the change to free of charge open access publishing. Using the ulapland email is recommended.

Please see the FinELib website and find out if you are eligible for the discount and whether your publication channel is included in the agreement. You can find instructions on how to use the discount on the FinELib website.


The corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Lapland are entitled to publish their articles as open access free of charge in Sage´s hybrid journals and they are entitled to a 20 % discount of the APC when publishing in full OA (gold OA) journals. The articles are published with CC BY license. The agreement period is  1.1.2023–31.12.2024.

Check from journal lists on the FinELib website if the journal is either full OA or hybrid and follow the instructions.

You can find the terms and instructions on the FinELib website.


The corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Lapland are entitled to publish their articles as open access in Springer Compact's hybrid journals free of charge. Fully open journals are not part of the contract. The contract term is 1.1.2024-31.12.2025.

Please see the FinELib website and find out if you are eligible for the discount and whether your publication channel is included in the agreement. You can find instructions on how to use the discount on the FinELib website.

It is assumed that all corresponding authors in the University of Lapland will publish open access. If this does not suit you, complete the My Publication process and then contact the library.

Articles in Taylor & Francis journals

The corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Lapland are entitled to publish their articles as open access in Taylor & Francis Open Select collection hybrid journals. The journals are in both Social Sciences & Humanities and Science & Technology fields. The agreement period is 1.1.2023-31.12.2024.

The agreement doesn't include journals in Medical fields or most of the Full Open Access journals. Any journals which convert from Open Select journals to Full Open Access journals will stay included in the FinELib agreement until the end of 2024.

When submitting your article, select carefully your main organisation from the drop down menu and use your ulapland e-mail address.

Please see the FinELib website and find out if you are eligible for the discount and whether your publication channel is included in the agreement. You can find instructions on how to use the discount on the FinELib website.

FinELib agreement includes a limited quota for publishing OA articles. It is possible that the article quota runs out in December 2024, in which case articles accepted in late 2024 cannot be published open access under the FinELib agreement. For the year 2025 negotiations are currently ongoing.

Articles in Wiley journals

The corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Lapland entitled to publish their articles as open access in Wiley´s full OA and hybrid journals during the agreement term 2023–2024. The agreement includes a limited number of articles. In 2023 this number is estimated to cover 100 % OA publishing.

Check from the journal lists on the FinELib website if the chosen journal is either fully OA or hybrid one. This effects on how to proceed. Please follow the correct instructions.

Please see the FinELib website and find out if you are eligible for the discount and whether your publication channel is included in the agreement. You can find instructions on how to use the discount on the FinELib website.