ProQuest databases are included in the LUC-Finna's international e-materials search. However, you can do more specific searches in the native user interface of the databases. You can look ProQuest video guides
Open Advanced Search Form!
Example: You would like to find journal articles concerning "refugees and social work".
- Select one or several databases from the top of page "Databases (2)"
- Enter social work in the search box on the top line.
- Enter refugee and its alternative immigrant in the same box on the next line. Enter OR between the terms to show that only one of them needs to appear in the results.
- You can truncate terms with *.
- Select AND from the drop-down menu on the left to combine the two lines.
- Limit the search to Subject heading (all) - SU using the drop-down menu at the right.

Search Results
- Click the article title or Preview to see the full record with the abstract.
- Some articles contains also full text.
- Click ’Find-it' for detailed availability information about full texts.
- You can also narrow your results for example by Publication title or Subject at the right of the results page.
- Look at the subjects and use them in a new search which you focus on Subject heading.
- You can save citations e.g. to Mendeley by marking the citations and using 'Save' button.