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Scientific Information Retrieval

Web of Science - Reference Database

This database offers a vast selection of citations from electronic journals. It doesn’t contain full text versions of the articles in most cases, so you will have to find the availability of a journal somewhere else. Click SFX-linking to see the availability of the journal either as e-journal or as printed one. Other user guides at  WoS-tutorial.

  1. If you choose Topic in the menu on the right, you are searching from the fields: title, abstracts and subjects of the article.
  2. If your search term is a phrase, use quotes.
  3. Search terms can be combined with OR operators typing OR between the terms. The truncation sign is *.
  4. You can add more search boxes.

   Searchin in Web of Science with these terms: "international cooperation", environment OR sustainable

Search Results

  1. You can sort your results by date: newest first etc.
  2. Refine your search by using the options provided.
  3. By clicking on the title of the article you will get all information on this article.
  4. Check the availability of a journal by clicking "University of Lapland Open Link"
  5. The system includes information on how many times this article has been cited
  6. You can save citations to Mendeley by marking the citations and choosing "Export", choose "RIS", save the file savedrecs.ris and drop it to Mendeley: Add New.

    Search results in Web of Science