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Scientific Information Retrieval


Select Advanced Search

  1. EbscoHost gives access to Academic Search Elite, Ageline, APA PsycArticles, Art Full Text, Business Source Elite, Cinahl, Eric (education), Hospitality & Tourism Complete and SportDiscuss databases. You can choose several databases for simultaneous search.
  2. Enter alternative terms in the same Find field: refugees OR immigrants. Note that you have to add the OR between the alternatives (2).
  3. Enter social services on the next line. Use quotes with phrases (3).
  4. Select AND from the drop-down menu on the left to combine the two lines (4).
  5. Limit the search to Subject using the drop-down menu at the right (5).
  6. A search in the Default fields (author, subject terms, title, abstract) is a good option if your topic is new or unusual, or if you get too few results (6).

Search Results

  1. Yoy can see your searches in Search History.
  2. You can focus your search by selecting a proposed subject at the left. Look also at the subject and thesaurus terms and use them in a new search.
  3. Click PDF or Linked Full Text to read the article.
  4. If there isn’t a full text (pdf or html), click "check for full text" for detailed availability information.
  5. Click Folder button to add records to the folder for printing, emailing or saving.

Ebsco search results

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