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Scientific Information Retrieval

Reference Management

Mendeley is a web-based bibliography and database manager that allows you to create your own personal library by saving references from text files or online databases and other various sources. You can use these references in writing papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography in seconds.

You can make your thesis work a lot easier all along by using a bibliographic manager such as Mendeley. It allows you to make your own database, where you can easily save your search results. It also helps you use the results to generate citations in the text you write, and to formulate bibliographies.

To access Mendeley for the first time, you will need to create a new account (see "Introduction to Mendeley ").

Mendeley is freely online

Reference Management Softwares

Reference management software  allows you to create your own personal database by importing references from online databases and other various sources. You can use these references in writing papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography in seconds.