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Research Portal


  • Please remember to add your publications and artistic outputs from the year 2024. It is always easiest to add the information at the same time you are publishing.
  • Please add your information from the year 2024 by the end of January 2025. You can still add publications and artistic outputs from the previous years, but they will be only restrictively included in the national data collection.
  • There are some issues with LaCRIS login due to the introduction of two-factor login for HAKA. If you encounter an error, please try to close your browser and try again. You can also try another browser.


Access to the backend system is restricted. You can access and edit your information by logging in with Haka authentication system. The research portal is open for anyone, but only part of personal data is visible in the portal.

Access to LaCRIS

You gain access to LaCRIS automatically if you have a current job or visiting researcher's contract with

  • a faculty
  • the Arctic Centre
  • the Language Centre
  • the Education and Development Services

You also gain access to LaCRIS if you are registered as an attending doctoral researcher.

If you are working in other Units or belong to the Administrative and support staff and need access to LaCRIS, please contact the LaCRIS team in


Internal users have different roles in the system according to their tasks in the university. Different roles have different rights to see, add, update and delete information in the system.

  • Researchers, teachers and other people, who are writing publications or taking part in projects, have access and rights to all their own data.
  • The administrative secretaries of the faculties and the Arctic Centre have access to all personal data of their organizational unit.
  • The project secretaries of the faculties and the Arctic Centre have access to all project and award data.
  • Library staff have access to all publication, activity and media activity data.
  • The main users in the Library and IT have access to all the information in the system.

The public research portal is open for anyone, but only part of personal data is visible in the portal. The visibility of all items in the system can be set to be public or available only in the backend system.

When does access to LaCRIS end

You lose access to LaCRIS, when your job or visiting researcher's contract with the University of Lapland ends. As a doctoral researcher you lose access when you complete your degree or if you do not register as attending PhD student.

Your profile is not deleted from the system, unless you ask for it, but it is no longer publicly available. The profile will be restored if you enter in to a new job or visiting researcher's contract or register as attending PhD student. Your research outputs will remain visible in any case and will not be deleted.