The public portal shows:
Your public home page will also show the amount of your research outputs and all your research outputs, activities, prizes, media contents and the projects, in which you are working.
Your profile can also contain so called fingerprints and a map of networks. You may also add your public CV to your public home page.
Your profile page will be shown in the public research portal if the visibility is set as "Public - No restriction". Only you, the main users and the specified users who have the right to access the information will see your profile if the visibility is set as "Backend - restricted to Pure users". The visibility setting "Campus" is not used.
Your research outputs will be shown in the public portal and be part of the national collection of publication information even if your profile is not public.
The visibility is set at the bottom of the profile page in the backend system:
You can edit settings in your user interface by clicking the small arrow next to your userID in the black bar on top of the window:
By clicking the arrow you will be able to change the settings
It's easiest to set English as the default submission language if most of your publications and activities are in English. Then the system sets it as the default language for your publications and activities but you can change the language of any publication or activity without changing the default setting whenever needed.
You can choose, when and how often the system creates messages for you.
If you want to give someone the right to update your profile and input and edit your output, activities, press and media activities and prizes, you can set them as your trusted user. The person has to belong to the staff of our university or to be registered as an attending doctoral researcher but doesn't need to have their own personal profile in LaCRIS. By clicking "History and comments" in the left panel of your profile or your output and activities you can always see, who has input or edited your data.
You can see and edit your profile data by signing in to the backend system and clicking "Edit profile". Please notice that part of your personal data is automatically transferred from HR and study systems. You cannot modify or update all of the transferred data in LaCRIS yourself.
You can find the editing options from the panel on the left.
NOTE! Please, remember always to save the information that you have input or updated before leaving your profile page - there is a blue Save button in the grey bar on the bottom of the window. Saving the whole profile is needed even if you have clicked "Create" or "Update" for a piece of information that you have added or updated to the profile.
In order to have your academic degree or other title under your name in the public portal, you have to add it by clicking "Add title". When adding a academic degree choose "Academic degree" as the type of the title.
You can add your Scopus ID, possible Researcher ID and possible Mendeley ID by clicking the "Add ID" button. You can add your ORCID ID or create an ORCID ID for yourself by clicking the link.
Profile picture
You can add a profile picture by choosing the option "Add file". Once the file has loaded, select "Edit" and set the image category to "Portrait".
If you have profiles in systems like or ResearchGate or wish to add links to your projects for example, you can add links to them by clicking "Add link". The links will be shown as symbols under your profile picture.
Address, email, phone number
Your email address will be automatically transferred to LaCRIS. If you want to show your visiting or postal address and/or your phone number in the public portal, you have to add them by clicking "Edit" on the line of your current affiliation.
Clicking "Edit" opens a new window, where you can input addresses, phone numbers and the email address if there isn't it yet.
Curriculum and research description
Description of your research interests and possible teaching interests can be added by clicking "Add profile information". The descriptions should be around 2-20 lines each.
Positions outside of the institution
You can add information on your previous jobs in other organizations by clicking "Add External Position" under the title "Positions outside of the institution". These will be shown on your home page. Various positions of trust shall be added to the activities, not here as jobs.
You can add information on degrees and qualifications by clicking "Add education/Academic qualification" or "Add professional qualification". These will be shown on your home page. The better place for your highest academic degree is in the Title field.
Field of science
You can add edit your field of science or add additional fields of science to describe your research and expertise. The options are based on the fields of science classification by Ministry of Education and Culture and might not describe your field accurately. Please choose the best possible option.
You can define your field of science and tell more about your research and expertise with keywords. Please add the keywords both in English and in Finnish. The language can be changed by clicking the small flag buttons in the top left corner.
Portal profile
In portal profile you can edit the collaboration map, affiliations and metrics information.
Collaboration map
If you have during the last five years written publications or conducted research in projects in cooperation with researchers working in other countries, you will have the world map with blue dots on your home page. Clicking the blue dots in your network you will see links to those publications and projects. You can also remove the map if you want to.
Show affiliations
You can remove some of the organization affiliations from your home page if you want to. However, your name will stay on the page of the research group, community or network. If you want to remove yourself from the whole group, community or network, please, contact
Highlighted contents
If you want to show some of your publications, projects, activities, prizes or media contents on top of the lists, you can choose those in "Highlighted contents".
The fingerprints are central concepts picked up from the abstracts of your publications. The system is using several thesauri of different disciplines for picking those fingerprints. If you publish mainly in other languages than English, the fingerprints may be misleading.
Some information is transferred to LaCRIS automatically from the HR and study systems. You can not edit this information yourself. All this information is not shown in the public portal of LaCRIS. The data is transferred in order to provide sufficient data for creating CV by using LaCRIS.
Staff and visiting researchers
Some information is transferred automatically from the HR system for the staff and visiting researchers of the faculties, the Arctic Centre, the Language Centre and the Education and Development Services:
The above information in the HR system is also used for the annual staff report to the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Personal information about other staff is not transferred automatically to LaCRIS. The personal profiles for other staff are created manually for those who are taking part in the subject work of some research, art, education or development project or who are writing publications. The LaCRIS administrators create the profiles for the staff of other organizations when needed (contact
Doctoral Researchers
The information transferred automatically from the study system
If there are errors or something is missing, please, contact the administrative secretary of your organizational unit. The errors and missing data will be corrected and updated in the HR system, which will transfer them into LaCRIS.
The library adds and removes the research group, community and network affiliations of the researchers and PhD Candidates. Please, contact if you want to be affiliated to some of these groups.
The affiliation to a research group, community or network is created for the same period as in the job or visiting researcher's contract. When you get a new contract, you have to change the ending date of the research group, community or network affiliation by yourself. Otherwise, you won't be shown on the home page of the group, community or network anymore.
The path for making changes is: "Edit profile", "Metadata", "Organisational affiliations".
If you want to show your CV on your home page, the information needed for the CV has to be input in LaCRIS. Create the CV by clicking "Add Curriculum vitae" button next to your photo:
Then choose Public CV and then choose what you want to include in your public CV. When you have made your choices, click "Create". You can then edit and filter the information by clicking the "Edit" button, that appears by moving the mouse on the left side of each title. You can also reorder the parts by the small arrows. When you have finished, tick "Publish", give the proper name for your CV and click Save.
If you have had a job contract in other units and become a researcher or teacher or a doctoral reseacher, you will have duplicate profile and the new job contract data is not automatically merged into the old profile. Please, contact the LaCRIS administrators ( to get the profiles merged.