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Research Portal

Quick start

LaCRIS Quick Start will help you start using LaCRIS. You will learn how to edit the basic information in your profile and to add a scientific or artistic research output. Please notice that this Quick Start is a general one and does not address all the differences between different user groups.

You must report your scientific and artistic research outputs to LaCRIS if you are affiliated in the University of Lapland. In practice, this means that you are in the service of or have another contractual relationship with the University of Lapland or that the University of Lapland has otherwise enabled the publication. You must also self-archive full-texts of any peer-reviewed scientific articles if possible.

In addition, if you are a doctoral researcher, your publications must be recorded if you actively attend teaching aiming for a post-graduate degree and have been receiving a regular grant for at least 6 consecutive months.

The data collection is part of the national higher education financing model. Saving the publication information is also beneficial for you. With LaCRIS you can keep your list of publications as well as your researcher profile up to date.

You can save all your publications and artistic outputs in LaCRIS. All types of publications with any affiliation are welcome. Just make sure that the affiliation is registered correctly.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding LaCRIS, further information is available through the University Library at

Update your profile

You can start by searching the public research portal for your profile so that you can easily see what it contains and whether your profile is public at all. To edit your profile, log in to the backend system and select “Edit Profile”. The editing will open on the page "Metadata". Please note that it is possible to add information both in English and in Finnish.

Please remember to save all the changes you made. For more detailed information on how to edit your profile, see Personal profile and its contents in the library guide.

Check the Personal data transferred form the HR and study systems

For example your name, faculty and doctoral programme are transferred to LaCRIS automatically from the HR and study systems. If there are errors or something is missing, please, contact the administrative secretary of your organizational unit. For more information, see Personal data transferred form the HR and study systems.

Add a title

In order to have your academic degree or other title under your name in the public portal, you have to add it by clicking "Add title".

Add a researcher identifier

You can add your researcher identifiers to LaCRIS. You can also create an ORCID ID for yourself easily in LaCRIS. To add or create an ORCID ID choose "Create or connect your ORCID-ID". Be ready to sign in to your ORCID account or to create one to authorise the export of content. For other identifiers choose "Add ID". For more information on ORCID, see our ORCID page.

Add a profile picture

You can add a profile picture by choosing the option "Add file". The accepted file formats are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp and .gif.

Add links

You can add links for example to your own website or your project websites by clicking "Add link".

Tell about your research and teaching

You can describe your research interests and possible teaching interests by clicking "Add profile information".

Update your contact information

Your email address will be automatically transferred to LaCRIS. If you want to show your visiting or postal address and/or your phone number in the public portal, you have to add them by clicking "Edit" on the line of your current affiliation.

Check that you are affiliated to the right research groups, communities and networks

The library adds and removes the research group, community and network affiliations. If you find errors, please, contact The affiliations are created for the same period as in the job or visiting researcher's contract. When you get a new contract, you have to change the ending date by yourself. The path for making changes is: "Edit profile", "Metadata",  "Organisational affiliations".

Check the field of science

Your field of science is transferred to LaCRIS automatically from the HR and study systems. You can add edit your field of science or add additional fields of science to describe your research and expertise. Please choose the best possible option from the list.

Define your field of science with keywords

You can define your field of science and tell more about your research and expertise with keywords. Please add the keywords both in English and in Finnish.

Check the visibility setting

Your profile page will be shown in the public research portal if the visibility is set as "Public - No restriction". The profile is usually set public by default if you are a teacher or a researcher. Since beginning of 2023 the profiles of doctoral researchers are set public as well. If you have begun your doctoral studies before that or if you belong to the other staff, your profile is set private by default. You can change the visibility setting yourself. Your research outputs will be shown in the public portal even if your profile is not public. For more information, see Who can see my profile?

Edit the visibility of metrics, collaboration map and fingerprints

If you do not wish for the collaboration map or fingerprints to be shown in your profile, you can hide them and edit the fingerprints on the pages "Portal profile" and "Fingerprints". There is currently a problem with the metrics and it is not possible to change the settinsg. The problem will be fixed in the next update (22 February 2023). For more information, see Editing your portal profile.

Adding a publication

You can easily check which of your publications have already been added to LaCRIS by searching the public research portal for your profile. If you want to add a new publication start by logging in to the backend system and pressing the button

Big green button with text: +Add content

The library will verify and validate all the publications and will contact you for more information if needed. There are a few different methods for creating a publication. Please select the one that fits you and your publication best:

Import from an online source

Articles published in international scientific journals are often available for importing in a database. Select "Research output" and "Import form online source" form the menu on the left side. After this you can choose the database you wish to use and search for the publication.

You can also set up automated searches for publications in ORCID, Scopus, Mendeley and Web of Science. If you set up such, searches are performed every 7 days and the system will send you messages of the candidates found. Click "edit profile", select "Automated search" and select the online sources you want to use and follow their instructions.

Import from file

Most scientific journals provide you with the option to import from a file. Usually, on the web page of the article, there is something like "Export citation" or "Download citation" either directly or behind a button like "Cite" or "Tools". Choose either RIS or BibTeX format for importing. You can either upload the information by selecting "Research outputs" and "Import form file" or save the data manually with copy and paste.

Save the data manually

You can save all your publications manually. It is easiest to start from "Submission Guide". Choose the type and sub type of the publication from the given options. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Please add at least field(s) of science and the profile and strategic areas. If the publication is an output of a project, please, remember to add the relation to the project.

Add all the contributors and check their affiliations. You can also add contributors and affiliations that are not already found in the lists. Make sure you select the correct affiliation for yourself if your affiliation has chanced since publishing or if you have published under a different affiliation than the University of Lapland. Remember to add all the networks linked to the publication.

Please, do not input the publication information when the publication is submitted but not yet accepted. The articles will be shown on your public home page when the status is either "Published", "E-pub ahead of print" or "Accepted / In press".

Check "Status" in the publication template bottom. "For valildation" indicates that this publication is ready for the validation process (library). To keep this publication open for later changes or adding more information, please select “Entry in progress”. The publication won't be shown on your home page if the status is "Entry in progress".

Give someone else the right to input your publication data

You can give someone the right to input and edit your research outputs. The person has to belong to the staff of our university or to be registered as an attending doctoral researcher. Find your username in the upright corner and click the arrow next to it to enter the user account information. Choose "Trusted users".

Mustassa yläpalkissa hahmokuvake, käyttäjätunnus, pikkunuoli alaspäin, punaisella ympyröitynä

Please notice that the trusted have access to all your profile information, research outputs, activities, press and media activities and prizes. By clicking "History and comments" in the left panel of your profile or your output and activities you can always see, who has input or edited your data.

Ask for the library to input your publication data

You can ask for the library to input your publication data for you. Please, send the information by email to

Self-archiving articles

Self-archiving the full texts of research articles is required if the publisher's policy allows self-archiving. Alternatively a link to open access full text on the publisher's web site can be added to the metadata of the article.

You can self-archive the full-texts yourself or you can ask the library to do it by sending the proper pdf file to You can ask for help and advice from the same address. If the metadata of the article is already validated by the library, you cannot upload the full-text file by yourself - please, ask the library to do it.

The conditions of self-archiving are usually given in the publishing agreement. If the agreement says that you have all rights to the publication, you can self-archive the full text of it. Please, remember that you have to have your co-authors' permission to upload the full-text to LaCRIS.

By uploading the full-text file or by giving it to the library for uploading you accept the conditions of self-archiving:

How to self-archive

Open the article metadata and find the section  "Electronic version(s), and related files and links". Press the link "Add electronic version (file, DOI, or link)". You will have three options:

  • Upload an electronic version: The uploaded file will be available in the research portal, when the embargo is over. Otherwise, it will be available the next day after uploading.
  • Add DOI of an electronic version: DOI should always be added if available even if you self-archive the full-text. It links to the web page of the publisher and to
  • Add a link to an electronic version: This is for other permanent identifiers than DOI (URN, handle) or other links.

Add the following information:

  • Document version: The self-archived version should be the "Published version" whenever the publisher allows it. However, usually the publishers allow self-archiving of the "Accepted version". Check the conditions from your publishing agreement or the publisher's website.
  • Access to electronic version:
    • Open, if the article is primarily open or there is no embargo for the uploaded full text
    • Embargoed, if there is an embargo period for the uploaded full-text.
    • Closed, if you have typed the DOI of a paywalled journal article
  • Licence: set the licence if it is given in the publishing contract. Otherwise the library will check it.

Artistic activities

Input the data manually

Start by clicking the green button

The big green button: +Add content

Then choose "Research output" and "Artistic and non-textual form" and choose the type and sub type of your artistic or non-textual output. Unfortunately, the template is a bit uncomfortable – created too much like templates for publications.

Fill in the information at every field marked with a red asterisk. In addition every artistic output has to have:

  • a publisher, which means a gallery, theatre or other organization, independent of the artist, that has decided to publish the output.
  • OR an event which means a biennale, festival or such event, independent of the artist, that has accepted your output to the program or as a part. The section "Event" is found close to the bottom of the template.
  • OR a publisher and an event which means that e.g. the organizer of an event can be registered as the publisher as well.

If the artistic output is an outcome of a project, remember to link the project in the "Relations" part of the template.

Give someone else the right to input your artistic activities

You can give someone the right to input and edit your artistic outputs. The person has to belong to the staff of our university or to be registered as an attending doctoral researcher. Find your username in the upright corner and click the arrow next to it to enter the user account information. Choose "Trusted users".

Mustassa yläpalkissa hahmokuvake, käyttäjätunnus, pikkunuoli alaspäin, punaisella ympyröitynä

Please notice that the trusted have access to all your profile information, research outputs, activities, press and media activities and prizes. By clicking "History and comments" in the left panel of your profile or your output and activities you can always see, who has input or edited your data.

Ask help form the Faculty

If you work at the Faculty of Arts and Design, you can also ask the administrative secretary by e-mail to input the information for you. The administrative secretary does not input other publications.