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Research Portal

Supervisor's profile

Current supervision of PhD Candidates at the University of Lapland is shown in the backend system on your main page under the title "My supervision". You can see both current and previous supervisions on your profile page.

The information is transferred automatically from the study system

  • PhD Candidates currently under your supervision
  • The faculty where the PhD Candidate is going to graduate
  • The planned degree
  • Status: present, passive, absent, completed
  • The start date of supervision
  • The possible end date of supervision

If there are errors or if something is missing, please, contact the administrative manager of the faculty. The corrections are made to the study system and automatically transferred to LaCRIS.

The supervisions are not shown on your public home page.

PhD Candidate's profile

Information on supervision is automatically transferred from the study system

  • The targeted degree
  • The doctoral programme
  • The faculty where you are going to graduate
  • The date when the faculty granted the right to study for the degree
  • The date of completing the degree (after the faculty has awarded the degree)
  • The names of the supervisors and the start and possible end dates of supervision
  • The status: present / passive / absent / completed
  • The field of science deducted from the main field of study

If there are mistakes or something is missing, please, contact the administrative manager of your faculty. The information will be corrected to the study system and automatically transferred to LaCRIS.