University of Lapland published Priciples of open science in spring 2024. It includes a Data Policy according to which
Start by tapping the green button
and then select "Dataset". You will be presented with a very familiar-looking form.
Title: Add the title of the dataset here. If there are several sets of data from the same research project and they are related to each other, it is a good idea to design logical naming conventions.
Description: A short description of the dataset.
Date of data production: The exact date or time period when the dataset were compiled or created.
People: The researchers who have been involved in creating or compiling this research material. Use the drop-down menu to specify the role of the researchers involved.
Dataset managed by: This information is automatically filled in based on the persons added. This information is for internal university reporting purposes and is not relevant for copyright or other agreements.
Publisher: The body publishing the research data or its descriptive data. If the material has been published in an external repository (e.g. Zenodo), it is indicated as the publisher. If the material is closed but the metadata are added to LaCRIS, the publisher (of the metadata) is the University of Lapland.
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): If the dataset has a permanent identifier DOI, it will be added here.
Physical data: You can provide more information on the files related to the dataset:
Links: Please add here direct links to the actual dataset i.e. the research data.
Date made available: When the survey data will be made or was made available.
Access option
License option: The options are "Unknown", Creative Commons licenses, PDDL (Public Domain Dedication and License) and ODC-By (Open Data Commons Attribution License).
The PDDL licence allows the database to be freely distributed, modified and re-used for any purpose without restriction. PDDL and ODC-By are designed specifically for licensing databases and are not well suited to other types of material. The ODC-By licence applies to sui generis database rights and database structure copyright. However, the ODC-By licence does not cover the individual content of the database.
Sui generis rights are economic rights and may be involved where a database has been laborious to produce and/or has involved significant resources. This arrangement allows the producer of a database to prohibit unauthorised copying and/or re-use of its contents.
The latest versions of Creative Commons licences apply to sui generis database rights. CC licences take sui generis rights into account more extensively than the ODC-BY licence: CC licences also cover the structure and content of the database, both in terms of copyright and related rights.
If you store and publish your research material in a repository or service, they often recommend or require you to choose a licence. A research funder may also require or recommend a particular licence. The choice of licence should always be based on a mutual decision of the research team, i.e. an individual researcher cannot license material on behalf of the whole research team.
Contact person: Person providing additional information on the dataset.
Temporal coverage: The period covered by the research material.
Geographical coverage: the location covered by the dataset. May be loosely defined, for example "Northern Finland" or "Europe and North America". The more accurate the better.
Funding and Relations to other content: To be reported in the same way as for research publications in LaCRIS, for example.
Visibility: Openly visible by default. If the form is not completed, you can restrict the visibility.
Please remember to save.
It is a good idea to plan in advance the level at which the research data will be described in the research portal. If it is a large research project and there is a lot of research data, it is a good idea to break it down into smaller chunks, for example by topic. In this case, the naming of the different datasets should be carefully planned so that it is easy for others to see that they are related.