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Research Portal

News items, radio and TV interviews etc.

Media items are registered by themes. A theme may be a research, art or development project, a special result or innovation of research, an event or some theme that is interesting the media. The single media items, i.e. newspaper or web articles, TV or radio broadcasts etc. are registered under the theme. Media items can be registered under the same themes as blogs and other social media activities.

When registering a media item, check first whether the theme of the media item already exists in LaCRIS. If yes, then input the latest media item opening that theme and starting from point 3. in the list below. Different people can add media items under the same theme.

If there isn't a suitable theme available, start by clicking "Add content" and choose "Media contents".

  1. Choose, whether the media item is concerning research, art, education or something in the society.
  2. Write the title of the theme (and a short description, if you want to) on both languages (change the language by using the small flag buttons on top of the left panel)
  3. Click the grey button "Add social media contribution or media coverage"
  4. Choose "media coverage"
  5. Add the title of the news, the TV broadcast etc.
  6. Click "Edit"-button on the right side of your name and choose the correct role for yourself and click Update
  7. If there are other people interviewed or used as sources, add their names and roles as well
  8. Add the date of the news, broadcast etc.
  9. Add the potential web address of the news, broadcast etc.
  10. Add the name of the newspaper, radio or TV channel, web site etc.
  11. Add the media type, the degree of recognition and the country
  12. Add the name of the journalist who wrote the news or interviewed you
  13. Click "Create"
  14. If the theme is related directly to some of your projects or publications, add relations to them.
  15. Remember to click "Save" at the bottom of the theme window as well!

Blog texts and other social media activities

Blog texts and such social media activities are also registered by themes. A theme may be a research, art or development project, a special result or innovation of research, an event or something else, that your text is concerning. Social media activities can be registered under the same themes of media items.

When registering a blog post, check first whether the theme of the blog post already exists in LaCRIS. If yes, then input your blog post under that themestarting from point 3 in the list below. Different people can add media items and blog posts under the same theme.

If there isn't a suitable theme available, start by clicking "Add content" and choose "Media contents".

  1. Choose, whether the theme is concerning research, art, education or something in society.
  2. Then write the title of the theme on both languages (change the language by using the small flag buttons on top of the left panel)
  3. Then click the grey button "Add social media contribution or media coverage"
  4. Choose "social media activity"
  5. Add the title of your text
  6. If other people are contributing to the text, add their names and roles as well
  7. Add the date of posting the text
  8. Add the web address of the blog
  9. Add the name of the whole blog, where you have posted your text
  10. Choose the web as the media type and add the degree of recognition and the country
  11. Click Create
  12. If some of your projects or publications is concerning the same theme, add relation to them
  13. Remember to click "Save" at the bottom of the theme window as well!