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Research Portal

Adding a publication

To add a publication Click the green button, in top right corner.

Big green button with text: +Add content

A pop-up window opens. There you can select the method for creating a publication.

It is easiest to import from an online source if your publication is available for importing in a database. Articles published in international scientific journals are often included in Scopus, Web of Science or ORCID. Write your name in the author field and part of the title of your organization (Lapland) in the affiliation field and click Search. You can import your publications one after another if they are not marked as already imported or duplicates. (Please check: sometimes the duplicates aren't real duplicates.)

Most scientific journals provide you with the option to import from file. Usually, on the web page of the article, there is something like "Export citation" or "Download citation" either directly or behind a button like "Cite" or "Tools". Choose either RIS or BibTeX format for importing and either save to file and upload it or copy and paste to the form in LaCRIS.

You can also create the publication record manually from a template: Select publication type and subtype and the publication template will open. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.

Change the publication status to "E-pub ahead of print" if the article is published as an "early online" version without volume and issue numbers.

 Publication status, Publication statuses and dates, E-pub ahead of print 10 Feb 2021 (Current), Edit-button, - for removing the status, "Add publication status and date..." button

Inputting month and date is not mandatory but they set the order of your publications in the research portal if you have many articles published in the same year.

The library will then change the status to published when the volume and issue numbers and the final publishing year are available.

If you input the publication information already when the article is accepted, choose "Accepted / In press" as the status. Please, do not input the publication information, when the publication is submitted but not yet accepted.

The articles will be shown on your public home page when the status is either "Published", "E-pub ahead of print" or "Accepted / In press". If you want to input your publications when you have submitted them, the system sets the visibility to the backend. Do not switch it public until the publication is at least accepted!

  • Please, add the affiliations (just the university or other organization, no faculties, departments etc.) and countries to all authors
  • Add also field(s) of science, the profile and strategic areas.
  • If the publication is an output of a project, please, remember to add the relation to the project
  • Check "Status" in the publication template bottom. "For valildation" indicates that this publication is ready for the validation process (library). To keep this publication open for later changes or adding more information, please select “Entry in progress”. The publication won't be shown on your home page if the status is "Entry in progress"
  • Save!

Grey bar at the bottom: Status, button for choosing the workflow status, "For validation" selected, the blue "Save" button

You can also ask the library to input your publication data in LaCRIS. Please, either send the information by email to or bring the material to the service desk of the library with a stick note with the text "LaCRIS" on them.

Automated search for publications

You can set up automated searches for publications in ORCID, Scopus, Mendeley and Web of Science. If you set up such, searches are performed every 7 days and the system will send you messages of the candidates found.

To set up the automated searches,

  • click "edit profile"
  • select "Automated search" in the menu on the left

Automated search selected from the menu on the left, description on the automated search, Enable automated search, ORCID, Scopus, Mendeley, Web of Science, On/Off button for each

  • select the online sources you want to use
  • the system will bring the candidates for new publications to LaCRIS and show a message on your LaCRIS backend page on the right side
  • if you want to receive the message also by email, tick the option on top of the page
  • remember to save!

The blue Save-button in the grey bar on the bottom of the page

Adding the full-text to the publication

The University of Lapland has signed the Declaration for open science and research, that means that all peer-reviewed scientific articles (and other publications as well if possible) full-texts shall be self-archived openly in an institutional or disciplinary repository. The institutional repository of the University of Lapland is LaCRIS. Many funders of scientific research do also require that peer-reviewed articles produced in projects funded by them shall be self-archived or published in OA channels. Link to OA full text on the publisher's web site shall be added to the metadata of the article.

You can self-archive the full-texts yourself or you can ask the library to do it (send the proper pdf file to You can ask for help and advice from the same address. If the metadata of the article is already validated by the library, you cannot upload the full-text file by yourself - please, ask the library to do it.

Please, remember that you have to have your co-authors' permission to upload the full-text to LaCRIS.

By uploading the full-text file or by giving it to the library for uploading you accept the conditions of self-archiving:

After choosing the journal you will see the Open Access guidance for the journal:

The self-archived version should be the "Published version" whenever the publisher allows it. However, usually the publishers allow self-archiving of the "Accepted version". Click the small arrows in front of the texts and check your rights to the published and accepted versions. As LaCRIS is regarded as an institutional repository, which means that you can self-archive such a version, for which institutional repository is indicated in the "Locations". Check also whether there has to be an embargo period for opening the text, how long it has to be and what license you have to set for the full text. There might be also some journal-specific additional information that has to be taken into account.

These conditions are usually given in the publishing contract as well. If the contract says that you have all rights to the publication, you can self-archive the full text of it.

Versions of the article

Draft, Author’s Original Version = the manuscript that is originally submitted to a journal
Preprint = a complete scientific manuscript that is uploaded by the authors to a public server before the formal peer-review and publication
Postprint = Author’s Accepted Manuscript = Final Draft = the version of the article that is accepted to the journal after the peer-review process but not yet gone through the layout and page design
Proof = Camera-Ready = the last version of the article with the final layout and page design, sent by the publisher to the author for final check before publishing - NOT allowed to upload!
Publisher’s PDF = Version of Record = the final, published version of the article

Add the full-text by clicking "Add electronic version (file, DOI, or link)..."

Electronic version(s), and related files and links, three buttons: Add electronic version (file, DOI or link), circled with red, Add other link, Add other file

then you have to choose the type.

NB! Add the link or DOI first. Then upload the electronic version.

Choose type: Upload an electronic version, Add DOI of an electronic version, Add link to an electronic version

  • Upload an electronic version. The uploaded file will be available in the research portal, when the embargo is over. Otherwise it will be available the next day after uploading.
  • Add DOI of an electronic version. DOI should always be added if available even if you self-archive the full-text. It links to the web page of the publisher and to
  • Add link to an electronic version. This is for other permanent identifiers than DOI (URN, handle) or other links.

For each of these options you have to add:

  • Document version
  • Access to electronic version:
    • Open, if the article is primarily open or there is no embargo for the uploaded tull-text
    • Embargoed, if there is some months' embargo for the uploaded full-text (set the dates, the starting day is the publishing date)
    • Closed, if you have typed the DOI of a paywalled journal article
  • Licence: set the licence if it's given in the Open Access guidance or the publishing contract. Otherwise the library will check it.


The grey banner at the bottom: publication status: for validation (selected), the blue Save-button

Artistic and non-textual output

Artistic outputs are input like publications by clicking the green button

The big green button: +Add content

Then choose the type of your artistic or non-textual output

After choosing the type, you'll see a template.

At first, choose the category of your output. It defines the MoEC publication type. Then input information at every field marked with a red asterisk. Unfortunately, the template is a bit uncomfortable – created too much like templates for publications.

Every artistic output has to have

  • EITHER a publisher, which means a gallery, theatre or other organization, independent of the artist, that has decided to publish the output
  • OR an event (at the bottom of the template), which means a biennale, festival or such event, independent of the artist, that has accepted your output to the program or as a part.

In order to be accepted to reports for the Ministry of Education and Culture and for the university, the decision of publishing your output must be done by someone or some organization independent of you.

There can be both a publisher and an event, which means that e.g. the organizer of an event can be registered as the publisher, or a museum / gallery can be the publisher and the event is the exhibition, in which your work, that you are now registering, is included in.

If the artistic output is an outcome of a project, remember to link the project in the Relations part of the template.

In the Faculty of Arts and Design, you can also ask the administrative secretary to input the information for you.

Output created in other organizations

If you have been working or spend a while in another research organization and have written or write publications there, you can input them in LaCRIS, but you have to mark that organization as your affiliation in LaCRIS. Click the Edit-button next to your name and remove the tick next to the affiliation at our university and click the button "Affiliate to an external organisation".

Importing output information from other universities

If you have published something in other universities or research institutes and the publications are registered in their CRIS-systems, the publication metadata can be transferred to LaCRIS, if the CRIS of the previous institution can export the data in a suitable format. So, transfer of the publication metadata is possible at least from:

  • Aalto University
  • Hanken
  • University of Helsinki
  • University of Jyväskylä
  • LUT University
  • Tampere University
  • University of Turku
  • Åbo Akademi
  • VTT

If you would like that your publication data would be transferred from your previous institution to LaCRIS, please, contact the library

We cannot guarantee that all the oldest publications could be transferred: if they are not included in the current CRIS system of the previous organisation, they won't be transferred.

Validating the publications

The library validates all research output information before they included in the reports to the Ministry of Education and Culture as well as reports within the university.

In addition to normal publication metadata, the library checks:

  • self-archived full-texts, their versions and permissions for self-archiving
  • the Ministry of Education publication types of the research output and whether the output can be included in the reports
  • the open access status
  • that the field of science and the relations to the profile of the university and the LUC-strategic areas are included in every output record

If there is something unclear, the library will contact the authors.

Administrative Secretary in the Faculty of Arts and Design records information on the artistic research output of the Faculty of Arts and Design before they are included in the reports

In addition to checking the metadata, the following is checked

  • the Ministry of Education publication type is correct and that the output can be included in the reports
  • the independence of the publisher and/or the event
  • that the field of science, the field of art, relation to the profile of the university and LUC strategic areas are included in every output record

MoEC instructrions to the researchers