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Research Portal

How to add your ORCID ID to LaCRIS

To add or create an ORCID ID in LaCRIS, sign in to LaCRIS backend system and choose "Edit profile". The editing will open on the page "Metadata".

Choose "Create or connect your ORCID-ID". You will be directed to the ORCID site. Be ready to sign in to your ORCID account or to create one to authorise the export of content.

You can set up an automated search for publications by clicking the Automated Search tab. Remember to save the changes.

Synchronizing your LaCRIS information with ORCID

When you have your ORCID input in LaCRIS, you can connect it to ORCID system and authorize the University of Lapland to synchronize your publications from LaCRIS to ORCID and to confirm your affiliation at our university. The

Information that is synced from LaCRIS to ORCID is:

  • publications that are validated (Approved) and visibility is Public
  • other researcher ids
  • link to your profile at the University of Lapland research portal
  • your affiliation to University of Lapland

The synchronization will happen during the night time, which means that the information will not be seen immediatelly at