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Research Portal

Automatically transferred data

When a project has received a funding decision, the responsible organization unit has to make a project opening notice to the financial management. Financial management starts the project in the financial system (SAP). The project information is then transferred to the project management system (Reportronic), where the project secretary adds the participants. The information transferred automatically from SAP and Reportronic to LaCRIS:

  • The title of the project (shortened from the funding decision)
  • The  project and award ID numbers in the financial system
  • Project type (co-funded, consultancy, other)
  • Nature of activity type (research, education, art, societal impact)
  • The participants of the project
  • The managing organizational unit
  • Relations to the strategical profile and areas of the university
  • The funder of the project and the funder type
  • The university funding model classification

LaCRIS handles the projects and the awards separately. This is necessary because a single project can receive multiple awards and some of them may be received after the project has already started.

  • Keeping the awards and projects separate from each other the public home page of the project can be kept coherent and the different funders and funding amounts are shown on the project page
  • The awards are related only to those people whose names are on the funding decision. So, the awards are included in the CVs of those people, only.

After automatic transfer, the project information is confidential and is not yet shown in the research portal.

The responsibilities of the project secretary

When the project and award information is transferred to LaCRIS, the project secretary completes the basic information of the project and the award:

  • The full title of the project in Finnish and in English (if available)
  • The acronym of the project
  • The possibly missing participants
  • The project partners
  • The start and end dates of the project
  • The field of science given on the project opening notice
  • The real name of the funder (if not automatically transferred)
  • The awarded amount of funding (when the university is the coordinating partner of a cooperative project, also the amounts of funding to the partners). In consultancy projects the amounts of funding is marked confidential and will not be shown in the public portal.
  • The project ID of the funder

After completing the above information, the project secretary turns the visibility to public and the project is shown in the research portal.

The responsibilities of the PI and other project participants

The principal investigator or the possible project manager is responsible for adding

  • The title of the project in Finnish or in English if either of the titles is missing
  • The description of the project in English and in Finnish to the description to the public portal field
  • At the PI's discretion: Key findings of the project
  • Possible other fields of science
  • Link to the project's home page on another web site if there is such page

All project participants are responsible

  • To add to LaCRIS the publications they have produced in the project and link them to the project
  • To self-archive in LaCRIS the correct versions of peer-reviewed scientific articles by the terms of the publishing agreements
  • To deliver to Lauda the project reports etc. published by the university
  • To add to LaCRIS activities related to the project and link them to the project
  • To add to LaCRIS the media activities related to the project and link them to the project
  • To add links to the possible social media pages of the project

The information is visible in the research portal without delay

The library can help in adding the publication data and in self-archiving the articles, please, contact

See the instructions for editing and publishing the reports.

Personal projects (e.g. dissertation projects) and grants

Personal grants and projects carried out by those grants can also be added to LaCRIS. The grant itself is not shown in the public portal, but there must be a project as well. When a personal project and an award related to the project are created to LaCRIS, the project with its funding information will be shown on your personal home page. If you create a CV by LaCRIS, the grant will be included in the CV.

Personal grants can be related to other projects at the university as well. Then the personal grant will be shown in the public portal only as a funding line on the home page of the project. But the personal grant will still be included in your CV if you create a CV by LaCRIS.

If some researcher takes part, without separate funding (travelling costs often covered), in a project carried out mainly in some other organization, the project can be added to LaCRIS as a personal project for the researcher.

You cannot add personal projects or personal grants yourself to LaCRIS. If you would like to add such projects and/or grants to LaCRIS, please, contact the library and include in your message:

  • The title of the project
  • The start and end dates of the project
  • The funder (if there is funding)
  • The date of the funding decision
  • The amount of money funded
  • Possible cooperative organizations in the project and which one is leading the project